Thursday, February 5, 2009


mixi...I must get an account there. Unfortunately, it's both invite only, and it requires you to have a cell phone number in Japan. Hopefully I can get some kind of prepaid phone for relatively cheap and make this happen. What I'll do once I'm in is another matter, but looking for local Japanese exchange students to trade language skills with seems like the best alternative prospect. The way I've come to understand it, mixi is significantly more popular than facebook, and I only know like 1 person younger than 35 that doesn't have a fb account.

random note, blood type is a big deal in japan? So I hear, it's like comparable to your zodiac sign or something. I don't even know what my blood type is...time to donate. I better make a hiveminder task so I actually do it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hope you arent type B!