Thursday, July 17, 2008

the grind, and cufflinks

It's been a long two weeks. I'm still not sweating perfect software, which makes me sad. I need to learn more libraries/modules/languages/code generators, plan more, and not start coding until i know what my requirements are. That or adapt a more iterative programming style. Immediate, repetitive results, with enough agility to adapt as requirements change.

I need some shiny things. cufflinks, a shirt to hold them, and a suit and shoes to match. and a hat(but not for the cufflinks) and some rings, and 2 watches. and about 5 colognes. I need to go shopping.

More on my shopping trip later.


Anonymous said...

Capitalist tool.

Embrace the rise of the Proletariat.

Anonymous said...

Capitalist tool.

Embrace the Proletarian rise.

spreelanka said...

I'm not a tool of capitalism. I AM capitalism.