Friday, February 13, 2009


new words
市 , いち , ichi- market
市 , し , shi - city
者 , もの , mono- person
前 , まえ , mae - past, front
できる, dekiru - to be able

new sentences
そこ の かいだん を おりて ください
soko no kaidan wo orite kudasai (i'm not really sure where the words end or begin anymore)
go down the stairs please

しゅくだい は まだ おわって いません
shikudai wa mata owate imasen
i haven't finished my homework yet

learning full sentences seems to be a good strategy, now that i have some hirigana learned, learning a full sentence is not much more difficult than learning a single word, because I don't have to guess how the words should be put together.


Unknown said...

you should download and use rikaichan for firefox - read it:

spreelanka said...

yea, i came across that, but I thought it would be too much of a crutch. If nothing else, I really need to install it and disable it, in case I need it later.